Here are some fun facts about Maine Coon kittens:

Tenacious, feisty, brave, and sometimes bossy, the Yorkie exhibits all the traits of a true terrier. Often named the most popular dog breed in various American cities, Yorkies pack lots of big-town attitude into a small but self-important package. They are favorites of urbanites the world over.

They're more assertive and playful than their 'companion' status would suggest, but they still love to be around people. True to their terrier nature, Yorkies are fun, feisty, and love to chase!

Yorkies want to be part of your family. They love to snuggle and sleep with you. They long for your approval and do not like to get in trouble. The crate shouldn't be used as punishment but as a place of respite. They pay attention to everything and sometimes being in a familiar, cozy, safe space can be calming

They are not your typical lap dog type, but quite willing to oblige when the urge takes them. Yorkies will usually select one main person in the family to bond to and this is usually not the children.